Tuesday, April 20, 2010

A pure young heart

I had a crush on this boy for the longest time. I believe it was about two or so years. This will appeal to you out there that miss the sweet innocents of a 14 year old little girl. It was the type of romance; so innocent that it took a month for the first kiss but how awkward that first kiss was.

Every Friday this young naive 8th grader would come over to my house to watch a movie at my house. We'd walk to our corner blockbuster and pick out the movie of the week, turn it on, make some popcorn, and cuddle up on the couch. It gives me butterflies just thinking about it. I would shower right before hand so my hair would smell like herbal essence and such an enticing smell it would be to a young boy of 14. We would cuddle up and I would fit in his arms. It was the perfect moment. A perfect moment i had waited for for two years. And oh, of course he had waited for that same moment for just as long. See the beauty of young romances is that they take so long to happen. Kids crush on each other for months upon months before actually making the first move. This type of romance is gone now that we're older. A guy sees a hot girl and goes for the kill. A girl sees a hot guy and it doesn't even take one date for her to sleep with him. Sometimes I yearn for the sweetness of 14. For that feeling of liking someone for so long and the butterfly feeling you get when it finally happens, when that boy finally comes into your life, cuddles up to on on Friday night knowing that nothing greater than a kiss might occur.

He once complemented me on my hair and how good it smelled. That was the kicker. What every little girl wants to hear. I wanted the first kiss. Upon saying good bye at the elevator doors. I gave him one kiss on the right cheek, one kiss on the left cheek and one smack dab on the lips. Painfully awkward to recall I must say but everything leading up to it was fantastic. A romance every little girl dreams for.

Of course this romance died very shortly. Around three months from when it started. Turns out he was easily influenced and was convinced to dump me for another girl. Heart broken but the memory of finally cuddling up to a boy you've liked for so long could never be replaced.

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